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  Alternative Work Concepts
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 Alternative Work Concepts
 Alternative Work Concepts


Sharing the Vision Video

This 17 minute video presentation showcases the consumers of Alternative Work Concepts at their community-based jobs as well as the thoughts and inspirations of both the workers and their employers. This video is a visual document of the mission, activities, and successes of Alternative Work Concepts. This video can be useful:

- when showing consumers varying job opportunities available in their community;
- during Person Centered Planning meeting for families and consumers who are not familiar with community placements;
- for staff orientations to show the possibilities of work options for persons with significant disabilities;
- when explaining job development and training ideas with Vocational Rehabilitation counselors.   Go to the order form

Other "Sharing the Vision" Resources:

People with Physical and Multiple Disabilities: Illustrations of Integrated Employment

Manual for Developing and Creating Jobs for Persons with Physical and Multiple Disabilities

Support Co-Worker Guidebook

Technical Assistance

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Alternative Work Concepts
P.O. Box 11452  ·  Eugene OR 97440  ·  541.345.3043  ·  fax: 541.345.9669